CP 28: Snofort

Don’t you wish it were the Holiday season all year round? Well, look no further than Snofort. We invite you to take a listen as we guide you through this wintery wonderland.


Here’s just a few more tidbits you can expect:

CP 27: Turbine

This week, the boys of Control Point take you through one of the older maps out there, Turbine. Through the vents and describing strategies, hints, tips and tricks for each of the classes on this beloved map.


Here’s just a few more tidbits you can expect:

CP 26: Labor

The 2nd time around you get the best of the best of the best of labor! We swear! If you are planning on playing the map, you had better tune into this little gem first. Ahhh… but it doesn’t end there.


Here just a few more tidbits you can expect:

CP 25: Modcast

Because of some issues with the Ooberservers agreement, the mods take over this podcast.

But don’t be surprised if your 4 lovable hosts make an appearance on today’s show. Ok, but seriously. This week we had an issue where the first 1/2 of the podcast was destroyed somehow during the recording (remember how I said, ALWAYS make a backup — well we didn’t)
Anyways, we still have the Listener Contributions section, so instead of not airing this one or holding off till we could re-record, we felt we should go ahead and put it out there, so without further ado, Episode 25:


Here just a few more tidbits you can expect:

CP 24: Doug Lombardi Interview

OOBER CONTROL! With it’s new sponsor and format! We hope you enjoy this show. A bit rocky working with a new format that we all were not used to, but we believe you will learn a great deal from this episode!


We also hope you enjoy the new website that was given to us from our sponsors!
Here just a few more tidbits you can expect: