Don’t you wish it were the Holiday season all year round? Well, look no further than Snofort. We invite you to take a listen as we guide you through this wintery wonderland.
Here’s just a few more tidbits you can expect:
- Map: Snofort
- Skin: Plastic Toy Soldiers Skinpack by The Flaming Menace
- The City-CP Project by Randdalf
- The new Sentry. 200 levels. by Nivekeryas
- EPIC control point frag video. by HoppyPotty
- More than you ever wanted to know about everything by SigmaSin
- Video: Scout Calls McDonalds
- Video: 101 Uses for a Dispenser
- Video: Team Awesome 2
- TF2 Wiki: Control Point Podcast page.
- Listener Contributions
- and much much more!