I know it sounds pretty obvious, but sometimes the obvious is obvious because it’s obvious. Discussing “Obvious Gameplay Points that People Forget” this week with guest host: Johnny Napalm!
- Mar.18 TF2 Update & Mar.19 TF2 Update
- [THREAD] Obvious Gameplay Points that People Forget
- Beginner’s Guide to Competitive TF2
- [COMPETITIVE] TWL Playoff Brackets / CEVO Overall Standings / CEVO-P Overal Standings / STA 6v6 League
- [VIDEO] “Sentry vs Sentry” by Destrutor
- [VIDEO] TF2/WoW Arena (Circle of Blood)
- [VIDEO] Top10 Competitive Plays
- [VIDEO] The Aviator (concept art for a new class)
- [VIDEO] Ultimate Battle: Turret Punisher
- Meet the Scout – Outtakes
- [ART] Episode graphic by KEISUKEgumby
- and much much more!